Learning to Reconnect

Learning to Reconnect


We often walk through our days with a task list in mind of all of the things we need to get done. Whether it's a grocery list, kids to pick up, meetings to attend or bills to pay, this constant  list is a reminder of our life's persistent consistency and the ritual habits we all have. Some of us consider this "adult-ing" or participating in the activities that separate youth from adulthood. But when do we make time to step away? To stop our nearly programmed and robotic responses and reconnect? 

Too often the answer is not enough. We prioritize the requirements of being an "adult" but don't prioritize ourselves. Society has created a façade that to be an adult is to give up on youthful ambitions, dreams and activities. That we must all adhere to our work day grind and submit ourselves entirely to the societal standard quo. But what is that? Depending on where you live and who you are it can vary largely. However, we're all connected in the foundation of what we perceive to be responsibility and how that is achieved. 

For a moment I'd like to clarify that this isn't me saying step away from your responsibilities like paying bills or taking care of your loved ones. What I am saying is to learn how to find balance. How to reconnect to yourself in a way that reignites your childish enthusiasm and dreaming while maintaining a gentle yet firm foundation in reality. 

Childlike Enthusiasm


Reigniting your childish enthusiasm is about re-engaging with the simple joys in life. If you have kids or have spent time around kids they're entertained by the simplest things like bubbles and running barefoot in the grass. They live and love life with true abandon. So what does this mean for adults?

Embrace the opportunities to do or appreciate simple things. Like walking barefoot in the glass or spending time with close friends and family that make you feel good from head to toe. Fill your life and free time with things that make you smile. Life is too short to not live joyfully

Recommendation? Things that make you laugh. Laughter is truly the best medicine and has numerous health benefits like stress reduction. 



Appreciating the Small Things 

Take a running leap or a baby step, but either way make some kind of movement forward towards gratitude and appreciation. This is your key to renewing your perspective on life and opening up the doors to joy. This can be as simple as being grateful for your family and friends, appreciating the flowers blooming, or even as challenging as appreciating the difficult life lessons you've been facing.  

Recommendation? Start looking for things that you enjoy and appreciate. Go the extra mile and say your appreciation out loud. Acknowledgment is powerful! 

How to Find Balance 

Finding balance is often like walking on a balance beam. It isn't always constant and it takes work. But the experiences we gain trying to find balance is what teaches us how to maintain it. It's all of the swaying and falling off that give us the know how to staying on that beam. Don't worry about all of this missteps, it's part of the process. 

Recommendation? Find an inspirational quote, picture or phrase (something that is encouraging) and place it on your bathroom mirror or a place you'll look every day. Remind yourself that you're worth it and that believing in yourself is a beautiful step towards freedom and joy. 


Reconnecting with yourself starts with some much needed you time. Yes, you read that right. You time is centered around you and what you need and/or want. In our busy lives we often forget to do things that help us be healthy and happy. We focus so much on everything and everyone else that we practically, if not completely, ignore ourselves.  

 But what does you time mean? It's all of the things we tell ourselves we'll make time for but get distracted or make excuses for not doing. And even more importantly, it's the things we've told ourselves that we have to give up in order to be accepted and loved. 

 Recommendation? Start small and re-engage with the little things that make you smile, relax and breathe a sigh of relief.