Wake Up Energized, Tame the Beast & Be Out The Door On Time!

How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? Groggy, cranky, or just that you desperately want another 10 minutes to sleep? I'm sure you've taken that extra 10 minutes numerous times and know that will leave you running out the door without an ounce of food in your belly and leaving the beast (aka your hungry belly) to take control. What if you turned the tables and had a quick, fulfilling fix as you ran out the door? How do you think your day would be different? How do you think your approach in dealing with other commuters on the road to work, interactions with coworkers, and focus on the job would change?

You've heard time and time again that breakfast is the most important meal of the day (which is true!), but there are some morning you just can't possibly fit in the time. Being prepared and having just a couple of options ready will save you time, energy, and focus (and calm the beast in the process)! All you need is a blender and 5 minutes. *To save even more time, invest in a single serve blender (like the Ninja or Magic Bullet) that can be blended and taken with you on the go. You can find some blenders as low as $20 and trust me it will be one of the biggest investments you make. You're worth it!

Here are a couple of very inexpensive and minimal ingredient smoothies for those on the go mornings:

Strawberry Banana 

Blend together all ingredients:

- 1 C. liquid (water, almond milk, cashew milk, or coconut water)

- 1 handful baby spinach

- 1 Tbsp. chia seeds (or 1/2 of an avocado)

- 2 pitted dates (or 1/2 tsp. honey), optional for sweetener 

- 1/2 C. frozen unsweetened strawberries

- 1/2 frozen banana

- Optional: add 1/2 C. of plain yogurt (for added protein)

*If you like your smoothie thinner, add water or more coconut water.


Avocado Surprise

Blend together all ingredients:

- 1 C. liquid (water, almond milk, cashew milk, or coconut water)

- 1 handful baby spinach

- 1/2 of an avocado

- 1/2 C. unsweetened frozen blueberries (or your choice of fruit) 

- 1/2 frozen banana (peel & freeze the night before) 

- 2 pitted dates (or 1/2 tsp. honey), optional for sweetener

- Optional: add 1/2 C. of plain yogurt (for added protein)

*If you like your smoothie thinner, add water or more coconut water.